Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fun and Easy A (ID)

             ¡Hola! ¿Puedes hablar español? You should learn to speak Spanish. I am right now and my teacher is Señora Garrucho. She is a really good teacher. She plays game, makes up stories, and you get to color. Spanish is really fun although I thought Spanish was going to be hard, it is really easy. Some of the main topics we have covered are parts of the body and the day of dead.
            Main parts of the body include head, face, eyes, arm, leg, knee, and etc. Some of the vocabulary for the body parts is the head is as la cabeza, the face is la cara, the mouth is la boca, and el hombre. When we were learning the body parts we played this game where the teacher would call out a body part and you would have to grab the body par and run it up to the teacher. There was to groups, one half of the room and the other. The body parts that she would call were head (la cabeza), arm (el brazo), leg (la pierna), finger (el dedo), foot (el pie), eyes (los ojos), and ear (la oreja). Señora Garrucho kept track of which team got the most points on the bored.  Most of us use the handouts that our teacher gives us to figure out which body part is which. The handout consists of a picture of the object and the Spanish word.
           The day of the dead in Mexico is a happy celebration. The people honor their dead with altars in their houses or decorated the person’s tomb. The altar usually has Mary gold’s, candles, fruit or bread or other kind of food, drinks, little skulls, and a picture of the person that died. The candles are to light the way for the spirits. The food and drinks are for the sprit to consume. There is many treats such as sugar skulls that people buy that time of the year. Sugar skulls are skulls made up of sugar and are usually decorated with colorful icing. You can also get little figurines of skeletons. People in Spain go to the church and pray. They find the dead of the dead more of a sad holiday. We went to some classes singing a skeleton song for the dead of the dead.

            Spanish is really fun and consist of games, coloring, and pictures. There are a few tests after you cover a section but they are very easy. If you pay attention you Ace this class and get one year of your language over. I would highly recommend taking Spanish. You have to roll your R’s though which can be hard. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013


                               HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
    This is the best holiday ever. I know most people like Halloween because they get candy, but honestly Halloween is so much more than that. You get to dress up and pretend to be in a fantasy. You get to act like your in an adventure. Halloween has always been my favorite holiday because I get to go out in the night, dress up, and scare people. Candy is just an added bonus. I don't really get to eat candy, but I like giving it to my friends. If you eat a lot of candy you get cavities. Halloween used to be fun now you have to watch out for creepy people. Back in the old days sure you had to watch out, but not as much as you do in the 21st century. If you are going out you have to be careful. This is the only night where if I see any car going under the speed limit or kind of slow I got running near the nearest group of people. Be care this Halloween and have fun. Look for the moon, its always better during the middle of the night.

                                                                                                        -Blue Luna

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Video Sports(SSR)

Why is our generation so corrupted?!? Honestly, who is the “genius” who came up with video games is a sport. Did someone just come up and say “Oh, video games are fun. Let’s make it a sport, then people will let us play them more!” News flash! Sports require PHYSICAL activity. Video games you do practically nothing. It takes real talent to move your thumbs.

Video games shouldn't be a sport because you basically sit on a couch with a controller moving your thumbs staring at the TV all day. Staring at a TV all day is bad for your eyes and sitting on a couch makes you gain weight. The only exercise you get in getting up to get something and moving your thumbs. Let’s be honest your getting very little exercise moving your thumbs all day. There is no physical activity happening, so video games couldn't be a sport. A sport is a competition using most of your mental and physical qualities to meet a goal. Some Wii games they can be Simi active, but in all reality you could just move your arms and do just fine on meeting the goal. Modern Warfare, Call of Duty, and other games like those you sit down on a seat and move your thumbs on a controller. Sure you can say it requires strategy, aim, and hand eye coronation, but so does archery and you are still getting more exercise out of archery than video games. Video games could kind of be considered an “e-sport” because your digital character is working out in the game, but not the person playing the game. People play video games for fun and to have something entertaining to do. If video games were a sport you would see players actually running like basketball players, volleyball players, and baseball players. They wouldn't be waving around a controller or sit down in front of a TV to play a game. Society has enough problems we don’t need to add another like laziness.

I sometimes do play video games like Tetris, Modern Warfare, or Other games, but I don’t call that a sport. I do some kind of sport like practice volleyball or jog, so I have physical exercise that day. I do not plan to become a professional gamer anytime soon. I rather be a writer. 
Notice how's he running...
Notice how's he is siting by the TV with a controller...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Lights, Camera, Wrong! (PB)

                What is the latest book you have read? Did they make a movie based on the book? Most people would rather watch the movie than read the book. The book has so much more detail and once they watch the movie they don’t even bother to read the book. You miss so much when you watch the movie and not read the book. Some examples of movies that you miss parts of are Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief, The Host, and City of Bones.
                  Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief had some detail missing that where important later on. They didn't have the part where Percy’s mom makes him blue food on special occasions, because blue is his favorite color. They also did say anything about how he didn't like one of the girls on his field trip because she was a brat. In the movie they start out in the school when in the book they start out on the field trip. They also didn't say anything about his mom’s past life or how she works in a candy shop. Percy when he gets to the camp is supposed to meet Annebeth in the infirmary because she is trying to heal him, not when they are playing capture the flag. He was supposed to get to know Luke really well during the time he spent in the Hermes cabin. They didn't even have Dionysus, the god of wine and fertility. He was bashed to the camp by his dad Zeus. Percy is on the opposite side of Annebeth in the movie but in the book they are on Annebeth side and she tells Percy to jump in the water.  In the movie Percy asked for help with the water in capture the flag when a voice inside his head told him to. Also, during capture the flag a shadow hound comes in the camp. They didn't even have Clarisse in the movie. She was supposed to try and to give Percy a swirly in the girls’ bathroom. He explodes the bathroom. Percy stays a coupe nights before he is granted a quest not just automatically gets a quest on the first day. Chiron gives Percy the pen sword at the camp not in the Museum. Little things make up a lot of the movie.

                  The Host was a really lame movie. The book had so much emotion and parts in it that make the book amazing. The book has in detail description. The seeker's hair should have been black and seekers wear black clothes not white. They didn't show Wanderer being a history teacher for the souls. This shows that the souls are like humans. In the movie there was no house in the middle of the desert with Twinkies, old newspaper of deaths, and water in the beach bottles. The newspapers made Wanderer see that the humans did horrible things and made her a little more cautious around the refuges. She also realized how violent and cruel how humans are. Wanda is renamed Wanda by Jeb. When she gets to the caves she is supposed to be protected by Jamie, Jeb, Ian, and Doc and from occasions Jared. Wanda is supposed to spend more time with Walter to get him through the pain before he dies. There was a soccer game between Ian, Wes, Lily, and Wanda before Jared got home. That's when Wanda lost the bet and was going to sleep in Ian's room before Jared got home from a raid. Wanda works a lot in the fields with Ian, Jamie and other people that except her. Ian found out about Wanda wanting to give her body back to Melanie in the hospital while talking to Sunny. Wanda didn't call a Jeb, Jared, Ian, and Jamie in the fields. Ian in the book kneed Kyle in the face for getting in the middle of him taking Wanda to his room. Ian grabs Wanda's wrist and drags her down the cave hallways. Jared tries to stop him and Ian punches him in the face. Ian continues to drag Wanda who is trying to keep up. Wanda cries out in pain, because Ian is holding on to tight. Then Ian picks up Wanda and carries her to their room.  This is where Wanda admits her love for Ian and that he is her one mate from all her 8 worlds. They make out until Wanda and Ian get tried and Ian falls asleep. In the movie Wanda walks out in the fields and Ian follows. They don't have a deep talk as in the book.  In the book Wanda tells you everything she feels. She's no longer confused like she was before.  Wanda sneaks out to go see doc and get Melanie taken out of her body. When Wanda gets taken out of Melanie's body she sees nothing and then wakes up to the hospital in the movie. In the book she sees what Pet saw. Pet is her new host. Wanda's new body is supposed to have blonde curly hair not brown hair. Wanda is supposed to be fragile, small and young. Jamie picked out Pet, because she looked so small, pretty, and sweet looking you would want to protect her.  The movie was a disappointment and didn't do the book justice. 

                     City of bones was a good movie, but compared to the book it was really bad. The biggest thing for me was the actor for Jace. HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE MOST GORGEOUS GODLIKE FIGURE IN THIS WORLD!!! HE IS LITERALLY PART ANGEL!!! THERE ARE ACTORS THAT COULD BE CONSIDERED LOOKING LIKE JACE, BUT THAT ACTOR WAS NOT ONE OF THEM!!! JACE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE GOLD EYES IN THE SCREEN SHOTS OR THE POSTER!!! THAT IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THING ABOUT JACE!!! I am deeply offended that they would think that i would accept that actor to be Jace. If you are going to make a movie make sure that the main character the fans would like is the best that you can do. Magnus had the right actor just not the right hair, makeup, and clothes for Magnus. Magnus has rainbow SPARKLY hair. He wears sparkles all the time. He is supposed to wear rainbow disco pants and cape to his party. The dressy shirt was okay but there should be more color. Him not wearing pants was just like the character at certain points. Magnus is the brightest character in this series. He is the bi warlock. He is not supposed to be wearing black... AT ALL! Black clothes is for shadow hunters, Magnus isn't a shadow hunter by no means. The only part where Magnus had cat eyes was once Clary left out the door to go save Simon. When Clary follows Jace to the back of the coffee shop Jace tells Clary that he's right handed. After Clary gets a call from her mom saying don't come home, Clary is supposed to be holding a Sensor. After Clary and Jace escape the apartment Clary passes out because she was bitten by a demon. Clary is taken to the Institution and cared for. She is supposed to call Luke and he is supposed to tell her to leave him alone. Alec, Jace, and Clary are supposed to be in the library when Clary talks to Hodge, but in the movie only Clary went to talk to Hodge. When Jace and Clary leave to go To Luke's house Clary slaps Jace because he was only 90% sure she was a shadow hunter. If you are a mundane and you get a rune on your skin you will die. Also, they missed the part where girls are looking at Jace from across the street and Clary says something. Simon was supposed to show up at Luke's shop not at Clary's apartment. Simon wasn't a rat when the vampires took him, and a vampire bit him he didn't bit the vampire. That's huge in the book. Only Jace and Clary saved Simon in the book from vampires. That killed Jace to have to save Simon for Clary. Later on Hodge lets demons in the institution which was wrong you have to go to the gate and ask by the angel if you can come in. You can just be let in! Later on Jocelyn was found in the institution when in the book she with Valentine. Clary wasn't able to create runes in the first book, then didn't figure that out till the 2nd book. In City of Bones at the end Simon asked Clary out and she said yes. Also, Valentine got the cup. In the movie Clary has the real cup, Valentine has the fake one and Simon didn't ask out Clary. The movie is good unless you compare it to the book. The book was hard to get into but once you get into it, oh my gods, it's really good. 

                    Movie are good entertainment to watch. Some movies are good just not ones based on a bestselling book. Movies based on books should be to made into 2 parts for the 1st movie of the series, but only if it was a bestseller. If you don't you have a bunch of people who have read the book burning your movie. I personal have to watch what movie I watch if i have read the book. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Dying Paperback Book (FC)

                Black clouds covered the sky as a group of silhouettes crowded around a dark deep hole in the ground. An old wooden coffin was lowered into the ground. The first silhouette snickered, “Good job boys. They are almost all dead.” In the coffin lays a tattered and beaten paperback book. The silhouette stepped out in the moonlight revealing the evil beings.  Kindles, Nooks, iPads, and other devises laughed and stalked back into the shadows. The paperback book is an endangered species in the modern days, and needs to be saved.

                Most people are attached to their electrical devises, then they forget about the other things you cool use instead of computer like objects. Some people lose the feeling of a new soft cover with fresh pages of an actually book when they use E-books. The Ranger’s Apprentice paperback has a really soft cover and clean pages when you buy it brand new. The smell of a brand new book is so fresh and clean, that I only really like buying books brand new. The smell sticks with you if you have a deep love of books. You can curl up in you nice warm bed and read a book, then go to bed tried. If you read an E-book the bright screen makes you more awake, and then you never stop reading until it’s either really late or you devise dies.

                Paperback books can be borrowed easily from a library or friend. If you go to the library then you get the enjoyment of getting out of the house and a nice quiet place the read. E-books are really hard to download or barrow. You have to deal with email, the place you are getting the book and the actually devise, just to barrow a book. To buy a book if you not logged on you have to login and the find the book, click buy and accept the buy. Books may cost more in regular stores than E-books, but if you go to the thrift shops you get cheaper books for next to nothing.  For Nooks you can only shop at Barns ‘n Noble. You can’t go anywhere else that’s cheaper and use your Nook. Plus teachers are more likely to let you use a book that let you read an E-book in class. Other kids are going to be tempted to steal a expensive tablet than a regular book that isn’t as expensive.

                A paperback book was walking down a quiet street late at night. He got a creepy feeling like he was being followed. All the sudden, he heard footsteps, like a herd of elephants. He stopped and turned around. The footsteps stopped. A voice spoke out of the shadows. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t a paperback.” The paperback coward in fear as the Nook stepped out of the darkness with his gang of tablets. Blaring blue and red lights flashed in the night. “Put you screens up!” hollered the mysterious voice. “We’ve been made boys,” screeched the Nook. The gang of tablets let out a low grown. The paperback sighed in relief. He’s going to live another day.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Mouse, Cookies, and a School Day (CRR)

Would you take a mouse to school? In the book, If You Take a Mouse to School, a boy does, and they have a bunch of fun during the school day.

I love picture books! In my favorite one, If You Take a Mouse to School, the mouse goes to school and makes a paper book, a mouse house, he does complicated math and writes high level words.  The pictures are vibrant, and have a lot happening on the page.  Most of the book is composed of pictures. My mom used to read me this book almost every night when I was younger. I always wanted to solve the subject of math the mouse used in the picture, so I have been trying to find the different ways you can solve math problems, and how to view simpler math in a higher exceptive. Also, sense I was six I wanted to make a messy science experiment where it spills all over the table.

If You Take a Mouse to School taught me how to be a good friend, to enjoy being young, and put your friends before you. When the mouse was assembling the mouse house, the boy held the blocks and was giving them to the mouse when he could have been doing something else that he wanted to do. They boy also shared his belonging with the mouse, so that the mouse had the materials that he needed for his plans on what he wanted to do during school. When the mouse forgot the lunchbox with his snack at school he started crying. The boy comforted him and took him back to school even though they were waiting for the bus and could have missed it. I think parents or adults should read to young children. The more you prepare kids, the more they will have success at reading and writing. My mom read to my sister and I when we were young and we are really good at school. Being read to is one of the best things ever.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


So I help with my student body ideas and dances things like that at my school.  We needed someone to wear the mascot costume and a bunch of people wanted to be the mascot. All I could think was why would you ever want to wear something that other people you don't know have wore? I mean you don't know where they have been or what they have done or if they know what a shower is. Thats gross in my mind. I don't know about you but I love to be clean and smell nice.


I had to write an introduction, so here it is. I will never use my really name. I write about pretty much anything that comes to mind. Some of my post will be for school, because this blog was created for that. So yeah, bye. Want to know more check my profile.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I'm just checking if this blog works, so this post has nothing to do with school. Sorry, but this is fun.